We've seen God's faithfulness in so many ways all around the world.
شهادت برادر یاشوا و خانواده در کمپ یونان
رهایی از سرطان
From Iranians Around the World
"After my father died, my mother began to abuse me. I finally decided to run away from home and become a prostitute. The night before I'd planned to run away, I heard Pastor Sepehr preaching on TV. He looked at my through the screen and said, 'Now is not the time to run away.'
His message gave me hope that God would heal my family. I told my mom about my plans to leave home. She cried and apologized, asking to hear more about Pastor Sepehr and his ministry. Today, I'm grateful for his message and consider him a father figure in my life."
"I called Pastor Sepehr during a dangerous and critical time. All the media was reporting the killing and hopelessness in Iran. Everywhere I turned, there was utter sadness.
One night I heard Pastor Sepehr preaching on TV. In his message, I heard of a hope, peace, and joy I'd never heard of before. That message changed my life forever, and I'd like to thank you."
“My wife left me and began dating a very dangerous man. The courts took my children from me and gave them to my wife. Filled with anger and depression, I decided to murder her and her new boyfriend.
While I was planning how I'd commit the murders, I heard a message from Pastor Sepehr on TV. He really got my attention when he said, 'If someone has wronged you and you're planning revenge, STOP! Don't do it! Stop what you're planning and give it to God. God is able to deal with your problem. Trying to fix it yourself will only destroy your life. Wait on God.'
When I heard those words, my heart changed. I surrendered my situation to the Lord and quit planning my revenge. I'm now trusting God to rescue me and my family."
Worldwide Missions

In May 2014, we ministered in orphanages, churches, and various villages throughout Burkina Faso, West Africa.
In May 2012, we partnered with Project Doxa to build a school building in Haiti.

Throughout 2017 & 2018, we ministered at young adult conferences throughout Europe.